Speaking of which, I got a few more suggestions, but am still quite a ways off from the magical #33. Once I come up with the final list, it will be presented in one post and you can hold me accountable. I have a few more ideas which shall be revealed soon enough. (oooh, I can feel the anticipation from you all... not really. ha!)
Since getting in shape (other than round) has been a never ending goal, my first move to start checking things off this list of mine is to start jogging again (See unofficial list #5). The never ending goal of trying to get fit comes partially from vanity (just keeping it real folks) and partially from wanting to do whatever I want for as long as I can, aka just being healthly!
[Side story:] A few years ago, I went snowboarding when I was on my lighter side (no, I will not disclose how much I weigh. That's just not a polite thing to ask a girl!), and not only was it easier, but it was also more fun. I could do a lot more runs and not feel so darn tired!! Also, let's face it, I felt better about myself.
Anyway, I decided that Thursday was the day I would formally begin. It's been a long time since I have run. Last year I signed up for a half marathon only to be stricken with plantar fasciitis. I had to retire (temporarily) just after hitting a personal milestone of 4.5 miles. I had run a decent amount before this training and never experienced this type of pain. I vowed that it wouldn't conquer me and although I didn't run the race, I plan on making sure that I run a half eventually. (But not at the risk of permanently damaging myself since I'm still young (relatively) and don't want to screw myself up for life!)
Starting out slow, I walked 2.5 miles, jogged 1 mile, then walked another 2.5 miles. I have been going to Mission Bay Park in San Diego. The weather has been typical wonderful SoCal sunshine, and not only is it a mile away from where I am currently staying, but it's also just plain beautiful.
After the mile jog, my lungs were about to burst and I cursed at myself for allowing me to get so unfit! Last summer my daily routine was to at least jog for 2 miles and I had a decent (albeit slow) pace. I had my ipod that was filled with upbeat tunes, but alas, I have resigned to the fact that I need to take it slow. Which is fine, because at least I'm working at it!!!
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