Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Couch-to-5K" plan

I started jogging while I was in CA and then fun (and laziness) got in the way so I didn't do it consistently enough to develop a routine. After getting back to Boston, the weather was way too hot. After getting used to weather that rarely got over 75F or below 65F, the humidity and the heat were just too much. Over 100F, as my MBA Council President, Ajay, would say, "C'mon SON!"

Now that the weather has cooled down and I realize that leaving Boston isn't in my near future, I've decided to get serious about training for that 10K/ Half and future triathlon.

Almost every exercise routine always has the mandatory, "consult your doctor" disclaimer. I'm feeling alright, but one thing I DID do is consult my two Iron(wo)man friends who are and always will be my inspiration: Treven and Lisa! Being pretty much professional athletes, I asked them their advice on how I should start my training.

Paraphrased words from the wise: (disclaimer, my friends are NOT coaches, so if you want to take their advice, please be warned of that!)

Find a plan and stick to it!

Plan Suggestions:The Galloway Method or The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan

Other tips:
* Take it slow, alternate running and walking
* Be disciplined - think of training as not optional, with only exception being an injury.  Don't make excuses. Feeling tired or moody, work, studying are not good reasons to not to continue to train.
* Don't increase your training by more than 10% each week
* Don't undersell yourself / focus on setting goals and getting there
- 1.5 miles is a good start.  everyone has to start somewhere.  It's like everything else in life - it takes practice, dedication, and hard work. 

* No matter the distance, drink 24 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of finishing your run, it help rebuild the torn and worked muscles while you sleep. 
* Stretch every time after you run and before you sleep, this will help prevent injury...make sure to really stretch and roll your IT band area...its a common problem with women runners so it you pay attention to it now you'll have no problems later.  
* Try to incorporate Pilates, preferably Yoga in your weekly training regime and a different sport to give your running muscles a break.

I'm a lucky gal to have such great resources. I'll need to research their advice a little more before I decide which routine I'll use, but I'm leaning towards the Couch to 5K regiment because I am THAT out of shape.

As Sally Field says in her commercial, "We only have one life..." so might as well be as healthy as I can to enjoy it!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

At long last, after many great suggestions and a lot of thought, I have compiled my list. (About time, I know!)

This will be a "living document" and while it will not shorten, it might get longer. I have divided it into Benner's Level of Experience which technically deals with nursing, but the categories seem to fit quite well for me.

Most of these require training of some sort, and some require me simply taking action
  1. Learning how to drive stick
  2. Surfing lessons (photo from http://www.1000lonelyplaces.com)
  3. Flying lessons
  4. Take a martial art (tbd)
  5. Learning how to apply make up well (this one is for my mom who says I'm not girly enough)
  6. Trapeze lessons
  7. Golf lessons (there was a rumor that said a lot of business decisions happen on the golf course; can't miss out on that!)
  8. Skiing (both water and snow)
  9. Drawing lessons
  10. Take a hot air balloon ride (picture from google search)
  11. Swim with dolphins
  12. Go to a Conan O'Brien taping
  13. African Safari
So for the most part, I've done some of this before and want to improve...

14. Photography classes
15. Piano lessons (I took piano for 2 years when I was a kid, I kind of miss it!)
16. Dance lessons: Zumba/ Hip Hop/ Ballroom/ Swing/ Belly Dancing; the more the better!
17. Sailing lesson (I'm a good crew member, but help us all if I have to steer!)
18. Cliff Diving (first need to find a suitable cliff)
19. Rock climbing

I'm hoping that at this stage I'll pick up things a little faster after attempting some of this stuff before...

20. Become fluent in Vietnamese (nói và viết tiếng Việt tốt)
21. Become fluent in Español (hablar y escribir muy bien tambien!)
22. Volunteering at an animal shelter (picture by Meredith Childs)
23. Unassisted pull-up (see #19 for how I hope to achieve this!!)
24. Tan legs - my legs are almost always ghostly white. But I think I can tackle this one during the summer this year. =)

A lot of this will just take practice or some good old fashioned planning...

25. Become a good salsa dancer, to the point where I can take advanced lessons, style, and look graceful! Eat your heart out Dancing with the Stars (although I'm not even sure they do salsa as much as cha cha)
26. Visit the remaining "7 natural wonders of the world" - I've been lucky enough to see the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef, but still have 5 more left!
27. Drive across the US. I've been to the corners, the middle, and the south, but have left out quite a bit in between
28. Run a 10K, then a half marathon
29. Become a decent cook. This will be a long road, but hopefully I can manage with some good recipes and constructive (but not too harsh) feedback!
30. Write and illustrate a children's book. Don't need to have it published, it can be for a niece or nephew. =) Besides, after taking all those drawing lessons (see #9), might as well have something to show for it!


31. Travel enough to fill a passport - Looking at all the different "7 wonders" lists is making me want to travel more... a lot more!
32. Accomplish a Super Sprint Triathlon. All my Iron(WO)man friends have been really inspiring, but I'm setting my sights on something that is a challenge for me. Considering I've had my bike for about 5 years and have ridden it about 5 times...
33. Last but not least, live on another continent

And there you have it...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Slow and steady...

I am about 9 goals away from completing my list, and am still brainstorming ideas for my personal development. Hopefully the final list will come out soon!

I had dinner with friends that I haven't seen in about 2 years. When I told them about the 10K/ half, they said, "what will stop you from doing a marathon?" Well, this is coming from a friend who's been an Iron(wo)man 3 times over and another who also beefed up his triathlon training. They are endurance junkies and along with a few other people, my inspirations for healthy living.

My goal is still the half, though and once I complete that I'll let my body decide if it wants to do more. One step at a time! (Literally and figuratively...)

Today I will continue to work on my endurance. After applying to a few jobs, I will hit the Bay and attempt a 1.5 mile jog. I have also heard a good way to build endurance is to walk for 2 minutes then alternate with a 2 minute run. I will do that tomorrow, I think and see which one works better. One thing I know for sure is that they will both exhaust me!

I went to the San Diego County Fair over the weekend where my companions were out to try any and everything that just sounded a little bit on the gross side! The list of heart attack inducing foods includes: deep fried bacon with french fries, deep fried butter (both pictured here), deep fried Klondike bar, Krispy Kreme chicken sandwich, chocolate covered bacon (the only thing I tried and it was really rich and more than I should have had!) and the grossest thing yet: Baby Ruth Stuffed Deep Fried Jalapeno on a bed of churros...

So for those of you who remember that Team Baby Ruth described the candy bar to look like $h!+ for the IP project, yeah, it looked like that in the jalapeno. I didn't get a great picture of it, but hopefully my friend's album is open for viewing and you can see a better one there. They each took a bite and declared their disgust, then came the inevitable, "you wanna try it?!" Yeah, I passed.

After trying that concoction, they decided they were done with food for the day. I had a big lunch and never did get hungry, so I passed on the yummy looking humongous turkey legs and everything else.

I'm not usually a wimp when trying new foods, however odd they are. But after exercising for 2.5 hours the day before and seeing how it would all unravel in less than 20 minutes, I had to resist. In the past I've tried the Krispy Kreme chicken sandwich, deep fried oreos (which are pretty darn good, actually) and the fried cheese curds. We'll see what decisions I make next time, whenever that will be!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

On the way to a 10K

So one thing that I have found out (and that I have known) is that I'm a little lazy. I create these lists to help keep me motivated and on track.

Speaking of which, I got a few more suggestions, but am still quite a ways off from the magical #33. Once I come up with the final list, it will be presented in one post and you can hold me accountable. I have a few more ideas which shall be revealed soon enough. (oooh, I can feel the anticipation from you all... not really. ha!)

Since getting in shape (other than round) has been a never ending goal, my first move to start checking things off this list of mine is to start jogging again (See unofficial list #5). The never ending goal of trying to get fit comes partially from vanity (just keeping it real folks) and partially from wanting to do whatever I want for as long as I can, aka just being healthly!
[Side story:] A few years ago, I went snowboarding when I was on my lighter side (no, I will not disclose how much I weigh. That's just not a polite thing to ask a girl!), and not only was it easier, but it was also more fun. I could do a lot more runs and not feel so darn tired!! Also, let's face it, I felt better about myself.

Anyway, I decided that Thursday was the day I would formally begin. It's been a long time since I have run. Last year I signed up for a half marathon only to be stricken with plantar fasciitis. I had to retire (temporarily) just after hitting a personal milestone of 4.5 miles. I had run a decent amount before this training and never experienced this type of pain. I vowed that it wouldn't conquer me and although I didn't run the race, I plan on making sure that I run a half eventually. (But not at the risk of permanently damaging myself since I'm still young (relatively) and don't want to screw myself up for life!)

Starting out slow, I walked 2.5 miles, jogged 1 mile, then walked another 2.5 miles. I have been going to Mission Bay Park in San Diego. The weather has been typical wonderful SoCal sunshine, and not only is it a mile away from where I am currently staying, but it's also just plain beautiful.

After the mile jog, my lungs were about to burst and I cursed at myself for allowing me to get so unfit! Last summer my daily routine was to at least jog for 2 miles and I had a decent (albeit slow) pace. I had my ipod that was filled with upbeat tunes, but alas, I have resigned to the fact that I need to take it slow. Which is fine, because at least I'm working at it!!!

Let go of what is gone; be grateful for what remains; look forward to what is coming...

NOTE: Written on March 2, 2020: Pre knowing just how big Covid was... I decided not to rewrite it because it was a simpler time then.  Holy ...