Monday, March 14, 2016

A particularly Manic Monday...

Today is one of the more challenging Mondays of the year. The Monday after daylight savings, where one hour disappears into oblivion... (come back!!!)

Anyway, as I walked into work with mist lightly dancing on my face, my knees ache a little from the tennis I played over the weekend and my eyes ache from not getting enough sleep. (That's what you get for getting home after 11:30pm, staying up to 12:30ish because you couldn't sleep due to your late afternoon coffee milkshake and waking up at 6:45 by your ALARM...)

Being woken up by my alarm is the WORST... I think I have unnaturally sensitive stress receptors so I usually wake up before my alarm in a mild fear of oversleeping. So when something unexpected wakes me up, especially in a middle of a dream, I'm lethargic all day.

Even now, being awake for 1.5 hours, sitting in my work chair, I feel like a clouded veil has been placed over my eyeballs, and even a straight up caffeine IV wouldn't take effect for another hour. (That's grammatically correct, right?) Then, the sloth-like brain activity may turn into a hummingbird pace, though can't say with any certainty that it will be with any useful thoughts.

Fast forward to 15 hours later. I made it through the day. I even went to the gym after work and then headed to the beach for the sunset since it sets around 7pm now. (The one good thing about DSL, more daylight!)

It was another lovely sunset. I've been having beach withdrawals. It's been an entire week since I've been to the beach. I know, I know... ::I'm spoiled!::

Here are a few shots from today:

Let go of what is gone; be grateful for what remains; look forward to what is coming...

NOTE: Written on March 2, 2020: Pre knowing just how big Covid was... I decided not to rewrite it because it was a simpler time then.  Holy ...